Geotechnical Investigation

IMG 20211214 170501 1

A Geotechnical Investigation was performed to evaluate the Physical properties of the subsoil and rock stratum. Soil Globe Consulting Services procured a command for conducting Investigations in a smooth manner. The investigation will help the geotechnical engineer to derive the physical properties of soil. We have grown early with the help of an experienced Geotechnical Engineering team in the field of Soil Testing and geotechnical engineering for deriving soil properties, calculating Safe Bearing Capacity for foundations, design of shallow and deep foundations, and providing a timely report with details of the investigation outcome.

Soil Globe Consulting Services continuously engaged with the Research literature to implement the newly modified techniques for investigation.

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Aurangabad - SoilGlobe
Minatai Thakre Complex, SS-93, Market, Maharana Pratap Chowk, Bajaj Nagar, MIDC, Waluj, Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431136